Los Angeles Times love

Los Angeles Times


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  • A news article you read on the front page of the Los Angeles Times is the product of at least six or seven interviews.

    News on the Web 2010

  • The next joy in Conrad's cartoon life was his relentless pursuit and provocations of Ronald Reagan -- as governor and president -- spurring a furious Nancy R. to repeatedly call Los Angeles Times publisher Otis Chandler, begging for mercy.

    Jeffrey Abelson: A Canary in Democracy's Coal Mine 2010

  • The Los Angeles Times is the latest journalistic false equivalency offender in its attempt to present "balance" in gubernatorial coverage using the thin thread of Goldman Sachs commonality.

    Phil Trounstine: Goldman Sachs: False Equivalency in the California Governor's Race 2010

  • If you really needed any more column inches of newsprint to reinforce the premise that the Los Angeles Times aka "Old Gray Westside Hag on Spring Street", is sinking fast into the depths of irrelevancy, then this latest puff piece/profile of Mayor Antonio Villar will surely provide the final "newsprint of evidence" that the "Old Gray Hag" is nearing the "journalistic flat-line" of death.

    Mayor Villarparker at Peace, City falling into Financial Abyss 2010

  • If you really needed any more column inches of newsprint to reinforce the premise that the Los Angeles Times aka "Old Gray Westside Hag on Spring Street", is sinking fast into the depths of irrelevancy, then this latest puff piece/profile of Mayor Antonio Villar will surely provide the final "newsprint of evidence" that the "Old Gray Hag" is nearing the "journalistic flat-line" of death.

    Archive 2010-01-01 2010

  • Joel Stein of the Los Angeles Times is the new poster boy representing leftist journalism:

    Folk Beliefs, Locke, and Marx, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty 2009

  • (If the Los Angeles Times is your paper, you may justifiably fear that the shoehorning of the California section into the A section means that both international and local news -- competing for the same news hole -- will suffer.)

    Marty Kaplan: Compassion Fatigue 2009

  • The Los Angeles Times is a shadow of its former self.

    Mort Rosenblum: If We Fly Blind, Geese Are the Least of It 2009

  • More Read James O'Shea's farewell speech The latest drama at the Los Angeles Times is the story facing the broader newspaper industry.

    Why Los Angeles Times 2008

  • I do the same thing with the Los Angeles Times, which is delivered to the drive each morning.

    Yes, yes, I'm blogging on Christmas. And I'm suffering from Timeslessness. Ann Althouse 2006


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